

国際会議「第2回 日・印 海洋安全保障ダイアローグ」"Second India-Japan Dialogue on Ocean Security"の開催


2004年4月5日(月)~ 7日(水)の3日間、デリー(インド)のHabitat Convention Centreにおいて、国際会議「第2回 日・印 海洋安全保障ダイアローグ -Second India-Japan Dialogue on Ocean Security-」を開催いたしました。


現在、中近東の原油輸送を中心に考えると、マラッカ海峡などとともにインド洋のSLOC (Sea Lines of Communication) が重要課題であり、加えて、海賊対策といった海上安全問題もあってインド洋のSLOCにおけるインドの役割は絶大であります。



(Delhi 5th to 7th April)

Monday 5th April 2004 *敬称略 なお、インド側メンバーの所属は後掲のとおり
Session I Chairman - 秋 山 昌 廣 ( シップ・アンド・オーシャン財団会長 )
US - Japan Relations and Their Impact on Stability - 笹 島 雅 彦 ( 読売新聞社調査研究本部研究員 )
Indo-Pak Relations and Effect on Asian Security - Ambassador S.K. Singh
India and Japan - Emerging Strategic Maritime Partnership - Dr. K. Subrahmanyam
Discussant - 夏 川 和 也 ( (株)日立製作所特別顧問、元防衛庁統合幕僚会議議長 )

Tuesdey 6th April
Session ? Chairman - 夏 川 和 也 ( 前 掲 )
Maritime Violence and Ocean Governance - V. Admiral. Mihir Roy
Perspective on Illegal Activities and Terrorism at Sea - 青 木 稔 ( 海上保安大学校国際海洋政策研究センター客員研究員、元海上保安大学校校長 )
Nuclear Promiscuity - Prof. Zuberi
Strategic Environment Surrounding Japan - 村 井 友 秀 ( 防衛大学校国際関係学科教授 )
Discussant - 金 田 秀 昭 ( NPO法人岡崎研究所理事、元海上自衛隊護衛艦隊司令官 )
Session ? Chairman - Ambassador M.K. Rasgotra
Building an Asian Economic Community - Dr. Nagesh Kumar Research and Info System. (R.I.S), M.E.A.
Indian Economy from Japan's Viewpoint and Japan-India Economic Cooperation - 久保木 一 政 ( JETRO海外投資アドバイザー )
Indo-Japan Economic Partnership - hubhashis Gangopadhyay, India Development Foundation, C?
Discussant -村 井 友 秀 ( 前 掲 )
Session ? Chairman - Vice Admiral Mihir Roy
Indo-Japan Maritime Cooperation - need for synergising - 金 田 秀 昭 ( 前 掲 )
Need for a Maritime Commission - V. Admiral. Premvir Das
Hydrography and Marine Scince Cooperation - R. Admiral K.R. Srinivasan, Chief Hydrographer
Discussant - 廣 瀬 肇 ( 呉大学教授、海上保安大学校名誉教授 )

Wednesday 7th April
Session ? Chairman - The Way Ahead - 夏 川 和 也 ( 前 掲 ) / V. Admiral. Roy
Creation of Indo-Japan Maritime Centre - Dr. K. Sehgal
Sea Lanes of Communication and Energy Security - 山 崎 眞 ( (株)日立製作所顧問、元海上自衛隊自衛艦隊司令官 )
Coordination Centres for SAR, Pollution, Environmental Security and Piracy Patrols - V. Admiral. John D'Silva
Discussant - Ambassador Aftab Sheth
Discussant and Concluding Remarks - 秋 山 昌 廣 ( 前 掲 )
Indian Participants:
Vice Admiral Mihir Roy PVSM, AVSM (Retd.), - Former CinC, Secretary to Government in MoD, Nehru Fellow and Currently Editor of Society for Indian Ocean Studies
Vice Admiral Premvir Das PVSM (Retd.) - Former CinC, Indian delegate to CSCAP, and Ex-Director General, Defence Planning Staff
Vice Admiral John D'Silva PVSM, AVSM (Retd.) - Former Vice Chief of Indian Navy
Ambassador S.K. Singh - Former Foreign Secretary, He served as Indian Ambassador to Lebanon, Jordan, Cyprus, Afghanistan and Pakistan
Dr. Nagesh Kumar - Director General of Research and Information Centre (RIS) - Ministry of External Affairs
Inspector General (Dr.) P. Paleri - Deputy Director General, Coast Guard
Dr. K. Sehgal - Additional Secretary Ocean Development, Chairman JIC, Senior consultant to UN on Ocean Affairs and Executive Director IOI
Dr. K. Subrahmanyam - Consulting Editor, Times of India, Former Director, IDSA and Convenor, National Security Advisory Board
Prof. Zuberi - Professor J.N.U. and Member National Security Council
Ambassador Aftab Seth - Former Ambassador to Japan
Rear Admiral K.R. Srinivasan AVSM - Chief Hydrographer
Mr. S. Gangopadhyay - Indian Development Foundation Confederation of Indian Industries
