Lecture Series on Integrated Coastal Management (June - July 2008) Lecture Handouts
At the Ocean Policy Research Foundation, as a think tank, we promote various activities dealing with a broad array of ocean issues including ocean policies in an integrated manner.
With the enactment of the Basic Act on Ocean Policy last July, at last, efforts that will further integrated ocean and coastal management has been starting in full swing in Japan. With that, we invited Dr. Chua Thia-Eng who initiated the practical approaches to integrated coastal management in PEMSEA (Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia) which brought together 12 countries within the East Asian region to give a series of lectures.
With the enactment of the Basic Act on Ocean Policy last July, at last, efforts that will further integrated ocean and coastal management has been starting in full swing in Japan. With that, we invited Dr. Chua Thia-Eng who initiated the practical approaches to integrated coastal management in PEMSEA (Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia) which brought together 12 countries within the East Asian region to give a series of lectures.
Integrated Coastal Management: Concept, Method and Application to Achieve Sustainable Coastal Development
Dr. Chua Thia-Eng
Chair, East Asian Seas Partnership Council of PEMSEA
Visiting Fellow, OPRF
In cooperation with the Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies (JACZS) and the Center for Oceanic Studies and Integrated Education, Yokohama National University
June 19 and 26, 2008 (18:00~20:00)
July 3 and 10, 2008 (18:00~20:00)
Conference Room, 10th Floor, Kaiyo Senpaku Building, 1-15-16 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Lectune Content
ICM: Relevance, concept and sustainable coastal development framework (SCDF) (lecture on June 19, 2008)
1.1Relevance of ICM in the context of environmental management, multiple use conflict resolution, transboundary issues, implementation of conventions and addressing management complexity in the coastal areas;
1.2Evolution of ICM concept and its application: successes and barriers
1.3The Sustainable Coastal Development Framework and its application to address hazard management, conservation and habitat protection, pollution, water use and food security and livelihoods (including fisheries)
2.1Application of the processes of the ICM program development and implementing cycle in implementing the Sustainable Coastal Development Framework (SCDF)
2.2The development of ICM code for quality assurance through application of the ISO requirements
2.3Comprehensive, stepwise reporting system for monitoring coastal development in meeting national and international targets
3.1Generating information through a stepwise process of the ICM program development and implementing cycle
3.2Analysis of information for rapid appraisal, risk assessment, coastal profiling, etc.
3.3Development of integrated information management systems and their use for coastal management
4.1Application of ICM for addressing specific issues related to biodiversity, fisheries, disaster and other climate change issues
4.2Case studies in East Asia
4.3Policy, scientific, financial and capacity support for ICM scaling up: roles of national and local governments
4.4The challenges ahead
Integrated Coastal Management: Concept, Method and Application to Achieve Sustainable Coastal Development
Dr. Chua Thia-Eng
Chair, East Asian Seas Partnership Council of PEMSEA
Visiting Fellow, OPRF
In cooperation with the Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies (JACZS) and the Center for Oceanic Studies and Integrated Education, Yokohama National University
June 19 and 26, 2008 (18:00~20:00)
July 3 and 10, 2008 (18:00~20:00)
Conference Room, 10th Floor, Kaiyo Senpaku Building, 1-15-16 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Lectune Content
ICM: Relevance, concept and sustainable coastal development framework (SCDF) (lecture on June 19, 2008)
1.1Relevance of ICM in the context of environmental management, multiple use conflict resolution, transboundary issues, implementation of conventions and addressing management complexity in the coastal areas;
1.2Evolution of ICM concept and its application: successes and barriers
1.3The Sustainable Coastal Development Framework and its application to address hazard management, conservation and habitat protection, pollution, water use and food security and livelihoods (including fisheries)
Lecture Handouts 1(1.2MB)
The ICM cycle, ICM code and State of Coasts reporting (lecture on June 26, 2008)2.1Application of the processes of the ICM program development and implementing cycle in implementing the Sustainable Coastal Development Framework (SCDF)
2.2The development of ICM code for quality assurance through application of the ISO requirements
2.3Comprehensive, stepwise reporting system for monitoring coastal development in meeting national and international targets
Lecture Handouts 2 (303KB)
ICM: Information gathering, analysis and use (lecture on July 3, 2008)3.1Generating information through a stepwise process of the ICM program development and implementing cycle
3.2Analysis of information for rapid appraisal, risk assessment, coastal profiling, etc.
3.3Development of integrated information management systems and their use for coastal management
Lecture Handouts 3 (696KB)
ICM application and scaling up ( lecture on July 10, 2008)4.1Application of ICM for addressing specific issues related to biodiversity, fisheries, disaster and other climate change issues
4.2Case studies in East Asia
4.3Policy, scientific, financial and capacity support for ICM scaling up: roles of national and local governments
4.4The challenges ahead
Lecture Handouts 4 (1.1MB)