Ocean Newsletter
No.430 July 5, 2018
"Logi-Link"-A Website Matching Shippers with Logistics Operators
Hirofumi ONOUE
Secretariat, Kansai International Distribution Strategy Team / Head, Cruise Promotion and Port Logistics Planning Office, Ports and Airports Department, Kinki Regional Development Bureau, MLITIn an effort to support the creation of a seamless supply chain crossing national borders, the International Distribution Strategy Team conducted a survey regarding international expansion with enterprises in the Kansai region. As an effort that came out of the issues made apparent by the survey, in June 2017 the Team launched "Logi-Link," a website that matches shippers using ports and airports with logistics operators. Here, I will give an overview of Logi-Link, and discuss its further expansion and use. -
The Future of Fish Consumption in Japan -On the "Turn Away" from Fish-
Professor, Faculty of Economics, Daito Bunka UniversityJapan is experiencing a rapid "turn away" from eating fish, despite being the largest fish consumer until the beginning of the 21st Century. When faced with such a situation, one automatically begins to think about taking action. However, considering domestic and international issues such as the depletion of natural resources, decline in domestic production, increase in worldwide demand, and the permeation abroad of Japanese food culture, perhaps the way forward is to watch over the demand at home country until it hits bottom, and in the meantime solve various problems that exist in the current domestic fisheries industry. -
An Aquarium that Creates Opportunities -From the Example of Explanatory Panels
Ryuji KOBAYASHIDirector, Takeshima Aquarium
Home to around 120 aquariums ranging in size from large to small, Japan is known for being an "aquarium kingdom." However, after observing both aquarium staff and the visitors that come to the aquarium for fun, it seems there is a gap in the thoughts and expectations between the two sides. For aquariums in future, it will be important to not only fulfill the objectives and roles that are demanded of them, but also make efforts to become facilities that are enjoyable and of importance to the visitors.