Ocean Newsletter
No.34 January 5, 2002
About Global Warming
Noriyuki NASUProfessor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
If global warming continues, the continental glacier will melt and bring a rise in sea level. Coastal and low-lying cities, harbors and croplands could submerge. This is the most terrifying outcome. Global warming should be prevented.
Rise in the Sea Level and Asia-Pacific Region
Nobuo MIMURA Professor of the Center for Water Environment Studies, Ibaraki University / Selected Papers No.3(p.6)
The report of the IPCC, an organization of the United Nations that assesses the scientific, technical and socio-economic information for the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change, explains that warming exerts a great influence on the marine and coastal zones of the world. Serious repercussions such as inundation and flooding are expected in the Asia-Pacific region due to the series of sea level rise and flood tide.
Selected Papers No.3(p.6) -
Effects of Global Warming on Aquatic Resources
Tomoyasu KAWAI Exertive board member, Society for Fishery Industry in the 21st Century / Selected Papers No.3(p.8)
The Jomon period forewarns of global warming to a certain extent. Even then the conditions were not easy, and when global warming progresses in a short time, what will happen remains in the realm of the unknown. Then, the productivity of the sea will decrease for certain.
Selected Papers No.3(p.8) -
Stroring CO2 in Sunken Places on the Ocean Floor
Izuo AYA Manager, Osaka Branch Office, National Maritime Research Institute / Selected Papers No.3(p.10)
The vast ocean is a promising place to store huge amounts of recovered CO2 to mitigate global warming. The National Maritime Research Institute has conducted research on CO2 ocean sequestration technologies for the past 11 years and proposed the CO2 Sending Method for Ocean Storage, COSMOS.
Selected Papers No.3(p.10)