

Announcement: OPRI joined the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership as the first institute from Japan

To promote Blue Economy Evaluation Research, OPRI joined the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP), becoming the first institute from Japan to do so.  
As one of the six main initiatives, OPRI promotes blue economy research projects to assess the value of ocean-related economic activities and ensure a balance between prosperity and environmental conservation. The existing evaluation method, however, could underestimate the value of the ocean products (Please look at Tanaka, 2023* for more details on the blue economy evaluation methods). To further explore the blue economy in Japan, OPRI joined the GOAP, which developed the Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting.
We are excited to collaborate with GOAP. At the same time, we expect the collaboration could realize sustainable economic development and help decision-making on the blue economy in Japan. 
The Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP) is a multi-institutional partnership established to enable countries and other stakeholders to go Beyond GDP to effectively measure and manage progress towards sustainable ocean development. GOAP aims to support at least 30 countries by 2030 to build complete sequences of national ocean accounts and co-create knowledge products that support the development of globally accepted and standardised ocean accounting practices by 2023. GOAP brings together governments, international organisations, and research institutions to build a global community of practice for ocean accounting. For more information, visit and follow them on Twitter @OceanAccounts and LinkedIn.

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