On May 22, 2023, a representative from the Security Studies Program at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF) presented the policy recommendations entitled “Protection of Nuclear Facilities and Japan’s Role — In Response to Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Attacks on Nuclear Power Plants —” to directors of international organizations and governments during the annual meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM). These recommendations were published by the Study Group on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security, established by SPF and chaired by Professor Tatsujiro Suzuki of Nagasaki University, in response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine and armed attacks on nuclear power plants.
Yuki Kobayashi, research fellow of SPF’s Security Studies Program, and Tomonori Iwamoto, a member of the study group, took part in the INMM annual meeting held in Vienna from May 22-26, 2023. On this occasion, they presented the policy recommendations to Massimo Aparo, deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and discussed issues pertaining to the protection of nuclear facilities in wartime.
The policy recommendations were published on February 24, 2023, and consist of two pillars. The first pillar considers how to protect nuclear facilities in wartime and what role should be played by the countries involved in the conflict and the IAEA. The second pillar outlines a role for Japan to bring together countries to discuss ways to ensure the protection of nuclear facilities in wartime, including reexamination of current international law such as Protocol I Additional to the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits attacks on nuclear power plants in principle.
Upon receiving the recommendations, Mr. Aparo said that "the Leaders' Statement at the G7 Hiroshima Summit mentioned the protection of nuclear facilities in wartime. I would like to refer to the recommendations as an important issue for the international community." The recommendations were also presented to Laura S.H. Holgate, U.S. Ambassador to the Vienna Office of the United Nations, and Stephan Lechner, director of the Safeguards Department of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), which is responsible for the inspection and monitoring of nuclear facilities.
The policy recommendations can be downloaded from
the SPF website.