
Canada’s Arctic Marine Science Policy

"OPRI Perspectives" is a series of discussion articles written by current or previous OPRI researchers.
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According to the 3,300 years old “Gilgamesh Epic,” Gilgamesh, the king of the ancient city Uruk of Mesopotamia, with the help of his allied friend Enkidu, slew the forest god Humbaba and seized the Lebanese cedar forests. He cut down all most of the cedar trees and the forests turned to a desert. Enkidu, who instigated Gilgamesh to kill Humbaba, was possessed by a god of plague and died of an epidemic plague. Afterward, Gilgamesh strove for ensuring eternal life.
    The first-ever story in human history enlightens us about the relations between conflicts over interests, environmental destruction, and plagues --- last not least the importance of passing the baton of life, namely human security.
    This article will discuss the possible impact of the Novel Coronavirus pandemic on globalism that has provided the stage for international security in the post-Cold War era and global warming that has emerged as one of the major issues for humankind in the 21st century.

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