Ocean Newsletter
No.554 September 5, 2023
National Platform for Innovative Ocean Developments
ISHII Shoichi (Program Director, National Platform for Innovative Ocean Developments, Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP)Phase 3 / Corporate Advisor, Japan CCS Co., Ltd)
In Phase 3 of the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) led by the Cabinet Office, “National Platform for Innovative Ocean Developments, (2023-2027)” in line with the future vision of Society 5.0, the program intends to develop technologies for wide-area environment monitoring systems by marine robotics, to accelerate the use of marine mineral resources existing in Japan’ s EEZ, and to conduct basic research on large-scale carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) , those will establish a new mineral resources supply network independent of other countries situations and contribute to the achievement of the carbon neutrality by 2050.
Development of an Uncrewed Ocean Drone for Predictions and Monitoring Needed in Typhoon Management
MORI Shuichi (Coordinator (Principal Scientist), Center for Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Research (CCOAR), Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC))
Typhoon awareness is a critical part of Japan’s disaster prevention efforts, so it is important to have continuous monitoring of the peripheral ocean surface and atmosphere where typhoons are generated and develop. However, accurate detection of typhoon strength is difficult to obtain by satellite monitoring alone. As part of the Moonshot R&D program, an uncrewed ocean drone with Virtual Mooring capabilities (VM drone) is being developed that will enable it to autonomously track a typhoon’s periphery zone and continuously acquire atmospheric and ocean data as it is generated and moves.
Hopes for “Umi-Gyou” from a Private Business Person
IWAI Hirofumi(President, Shakotan Spirit Co., Ltd. )
The government and private sectors in the town of Shakotan in Hokkaido are undertaking an Umigyou (ocean business) initiative. They have established the “Shakotan Umi-Mori (ocean-forest) Project” platform, and, along with developing an ocean-forest school, are integrating new business persons into the initiative. These activities are supported by many companies and individuals.