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- World Association of Marine Stations: international collaboration among marine stations in support of the global ocean agenda
Ocean Newsletter
No.553 August 20, 2023
World Association of Marine Stations: international collaboration among marine stations in support of the global ocean agenda
Matthew FROST (Head of International Office, Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
There are approximately 800 marine stations (coastal education and research facilities) distributed across the globe. In order to maximise the capacities of marine stations participating in regional and national networks, the World Association of Marine Stations(WAMS)seeks to foster collaboration and achieve synergies through the sharing of resources. Through its launching of the first ever comprehensive Atlas of World Marine Stations, WAMS aims to help meet the ocean’s global scale challenges as well as to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science.
Research on Hydrodynamic Interactions between Waves and Floating Structures
KASHIWAGI Masashi (Professor Emeritus, Osaka University / Recipient, 15th National Maritime Award)
Waves inevitably occur in the ocean, but if the hydrodynamic interactions between waves and floating structures are understood correctly the effects of waves can be lessened and, conversely, the wave energy can be effectively used and controlled. I would like here to introduce examples of contribution of floating structure engineering research, such as the research conducted to realize marine floating airports, use of marine renewable energy, and development of ships with superior seakeeping performance in waves.
Uncovering Best Practices through the Ocean Education Information Platform
SHIBUYA Hiroaki (Depty Director, National Ocean Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
As part of its efforts to promote ocean education, the Cabinet Office is compiling educational resources and initiatives from a variety of facilities on its Ocean Education Information Platform website. With the aim of uncovering and sharing best practices, I would like to introduce three of those in this article. As the Fourth Basic Ocean Plan calls for the strengthening of coordination between relevant ministries and agencies, I especially want to share information about these effective initiatives.
World Association of Marine Stations: international collaboration among marine stations in support of the global ocean agenda
There are approximately 800 marine stations (coastal education and research facilities) distributed across the globe. In order to maximise the capacities of marine stations participating in regional and national networks, the World Association of Marine Stations(WAMS)seeks to foster collaboration and achieve synergies through the sharing of resources. Through its launching of the first ever comprehensive Atlas of World Marine Stations, WAMS aims to help meet the ocean’s global scale challenges as well as to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science.
Issues surrounding the ocean
Role of marine stations
It is vital that this momentum continues and that global resources are mobilized in order to meet the ambitions and targets associated with the developments noted above as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) more generally. One very significant marine resource is the approximately 800 marine stations distributed across the globe (although estimates range up to 1200 or more depending on how a ‘marine station’ is defined). In isolation, these stations can be vulnerable, often relying on uncertain funding streams, and a number of stations have closed in recent years. This is one reason that many marine stations join regional (e.g. The European Network of Marine Stations, MARS) or national level networks such as the United States of America’s National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML). Another excellent example of a national network is the Japanese Association for Marine Biology (JAMBIO), initially established in 2009 and today providing a coordinating mechanism for 22 marine stations across Japan.
JAMBIO has also been a key partner for the development of the World Association of Marine Stations (WAMS), which seeks to bring together all world’s marine stations and marine station networks under one umbrella. The idea for WAMS was originally proposed to IOC-UNESCO in 2009 but struggled to gain momentum due to lack of resources. WAMS received a new impetus however in 2021 with the first ever World Congress of Marine Stations. The congress, held virtually over three days, was endorsed by the IOC as an official activity of the UN Decade with IOC Executive Secretary Vladimir Ryabinin providing a keynote presentation on how WAMS could support the aims of the Decade. Over 300 people from marine stations and networks across the globe attended, resulting in an official communique on the establishment of a new WAMS committee being released to take the work forward.
World distribution of marine stations
Asia (23%), followed by Europe (22%), North America (21%), Antarctica (11%), South America (10%), Africa (8%) and Oceania (5%).
(N.B.: 811 stations in 2023 WAMS update)
Goals of the World Association of Marine Stations
So what does WAMS hope to achieve? The main aims are to:
- Foster collaboration / achieve synergies through resource sharing in order to maximise capacity
- Provide a common ‘voice’ to promote the value of marine stations at the international and national level
- Support the training of the next generation in an equitable manner (“leave no one behind) through the identification and provision of bursaries and other funding opportunities based on the UN principle of “Leave no one behind (LNOB)”.
- To be a mechanism for science-diplomacy in order to achieve the joint working required to address global scale challenges.
A key activity of WAMS in support of capacity building and greater collaboration is the launching of the first ever comprehensive Atlas of World Marine Stations, allowing people to locate any of the world’s marine stations along with contact details and, where available, information on access and funding for exchanges and visits. JAMBIO also played a leading role in developing this Atlas, which is available via the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) website, which is the UK organization hosting WAMS.
The next step for WAMS is to continue developing the new website and the marine stations Atlas, and work is also underway to propose WAMS as an implementing partner for the UN Decade." We are also moving forward with planning for the 2nd World Congress in 2024, with Tokyo being considered as a potential venue. Japan’s history with marine biology, its strong international outlook, and JAMBIO’s example in establishing and developing a marine station network make it the ideal place for further development of WAMS.
The scale of the challenges faced in relation to the ocean means that working together to make the best of resources at a global level is not a ‘nice idea’ but an absolute necessity. WAMS is a key resource in support of this goal and it is hoped that Japan and all countries with marine stations will endorse and support this important initiative.
[2] United Nations (2022). The Second World Ocean Assessment. https://www.un.org/regularprocess/sites/www.un.org.regularprocess/files/2011859-e-woa-ii-vol-i.pdf