Ocean Newsletter
No.53 October 20, 2002
Technology, Management and Competitive Edge - For the Revival of the Shipbuilding Industry -
Hideaki Miyata
Professor, Department of Environmental and Ocean Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of TokyoIn reviving the shipbuilding industry, there is a need to carry out a change in the business model, a resumption of technology development and management reform. Without starting with these, the positive spiral which promotes the progress of technology by management and enriches management by superior technology cannot be brought back to Japan. The deterioration of management potential all over Japan is a serious problem. The relation between technology and business administration should be fundamentally reconstructed. -
Learn from Zuiken Kawamura - How was Japan's Coastal Navigation Route Developed? -
Hiroshi TaniAdviser, Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Ministry of Transport (retiree)
Technology revolution is not complete only in the development of the natural sciences. To ensure success and for it to take root, it requires a comprehensive change which includes the social sciences. There is a lot to learn from the perspective of the development of Japan's coastal navigation route made by Zuiken Kawamura, a merchant of the Edo period.
An Idea on Stranded Whales
Seiji OhsumiDirector General, Institute of Cetacean Research
Various factors could be thought of the stranding of whales. However, cases of stranding are on the increase in various locations nowadays and local authorities often deal with them with anxiety. The stranding and casting ashore of whales should be perceived as a type of natural calamity and a manual of measures should be immediately developed.