Ocean Newsletter
No.25 August 20, 2001
Home Grown Energy: Methane Hydrate
Professor, Ocean Research Institute, The University of TokyoJapan was considered to be a country with scarce energy resources. However, it has recently been revealed that an enormous amount of methane hydrate, which contains a much methane gas, exists in the waters that surround it. In response to this discovery, Japan has placed methane hydrate in its vision and is pushing ahead with internationally forerunning research and development of it as a viable resource for the future. -
"Ocean Culture from the Community" A city of handmade international ocean culture - The activities of the Yokosuka Citizenship Committee -
Shinji KATAGIRI Representative, Yokosuka Citizenship Committee
n 1997, Yokosuka City celebrated the 90thanniversary of its foundation and pledged a new image, "Metropolitan Seaside Community". As a volunteer town-planning group, with a view to a future and an international community that befits this image of Yokosuka, we at the Yokosuka Citizenship Committee (YCC) advocated town planning that puts the dreams and expansion of the ocean at its center. Coming up to the fifth anniversary of this proposal, we would like to tell you about the first four years of our activities.
With a View to Field Study on the Seashore
Mizuho HORIGUCHI Representative, "edutainments.net" WebsiteResearcher, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University
In an age where < study through experience > is becoming a very popular educational tool, it is regrettable that the seaside is often intentionally avoided as a field for outdoor study, because it carries a somewhat dangerous image. However, safe and enjoyable hands-on study of the seaside environment is indeed possible, and with the correct program planning the seaside can be an incredibly fascinating place to conduct outdoor education.