Ocean Newsletter
No.21 June 20, 2001
The Activities of the JICA International Fisheries Training Center and the Ideal Future for International Cooperation in the Fishing Industry
Naoyoshi SASAKI Managing Director, Kanagawa International Fisheries Training Center, JICA
Amongst the current crisis facing the long history and proud traditions of the Japanese fishing industry, Japanese international cooperation in the fisheries field is gradually moving away from technological on-the-job training and shifting towards seminar type training on the coordination of fishing technology. International cooperation in resource management and aquaculture that harmonizes with nature, through the education of human resources, is invaluable for Japan's development in such activities.
The Creation of Captivating Communities and Attractive Harbors
Keiko HIGASHI Associate Professor, Tokai University
A community's landscape paints its image. I'm convinced that rich and varied scenery that blends in with a region's harbor not only creates bonds in the community and promotes its development, but also are enhances residents understanding of the harbor and its functions. Furthermore, the key to creating such a captivating community is in just how much residents feel they are a part of harbor developments.
National Boundaries of the Future
Yoshihide OHTA Senior Scientist of Norsk Polarinstitutt / Selected Papers No.2(p.14)
Japan's claims on the Kuril Islands north of Hokkaido present it with problems in terms of national boundary designation. Norway and Russia are also faced with similar issues. Unresolved land disputes and territorial water issues are unlikely to be resolved under the conventional concept of national boundary designation. Therefore, isn't it time for the idealistic shift towards the joint management of territory, irrespective of boundaries, and the creation of a new cultural sphere?
Selected Papers No.2(p.14)