Ocean Newsletter
No.129 December 20, 2005
Osaka Bay Regeneration-Efforts made through cooperation and public-private partnership toward the environment improvement of the Osaka Bay
Daiji NishimuraThe office of Meeting that promotes Osaka Bay regeneration, Kinki Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
As a fish garden, Osaka Bay boasted an array of fish catch and as the nation's kitchen it was the place where the coexistence between the sea and the city had been kept well.Now, Osaka Bay Regeneration, which aims to deal with water pollution arising from high economic growth and to recover the former sea of the fish garden, is underway.
Tsunami-Caused Damage and Restoration --referencing to the cases of Okushiri Island, hit by the 1993 Hokkaido SW tsunami and Banda Aceh, Sumatra, by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami--
Fumihiko Imamura Professor, Disaster Control Research Center, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University / Selected Papers No.8(p.22)
Regarding rehabilitation and reconstruction after the disasters, from a long-term perspective, it's important to avoid the next disaster by planning and working out a response to a disaster which can present itself again in the near future.This article introduces reconstruction, prevention work and counter measures from tsunami damage taking the reconstruction from the tsunami damage of the 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake of 1993 and Indian Ocean Tsunami and Banda Aceh, Sumatra which is in the midst of the present reconstruction work as examples.
Selected Papers No.8(p.22) -
Cetacean Strandings and Japan's Response
Hajime IshikawaSurvey Division, The Institute of Cetacean Research
Cetacean strandings are said to be on the rise in recent years, however, that tendency cannot be seen by just analyzing data.Japan's countermeasure to the strandings can afford to say that it has unique system which is led by governmental agencies compared to that of the United States and Europe which are led by the private sector.