

Call for candidates to attend - 9th Our Ocean Conference Youth Forum in Athens, Greece

updated: 2024.02.27
updated: 2024.02.20
   The 9th Our Ocean Conference (OOC) and Our Ocean Youth Leadership Summit will be held in Athens, Greece, April 15-17, 2024 by the Government of Greece in cooperation with collaborative organizations. Since the first OOC was held in 2014, participants from around the world have presented 2,160 commitments namely the proposed actions to conserve and sustainably use the oceans. However, the degradation of the marine environment remains a significant challenge, requiring accelerated efforts to address a variety of initiatives, including the conservation of marine ecosystems and marine biodiversity, the sustainable use of fishery resources, the elimination of marine plastic waste, and adaptation to the impacts of climate change in the ocean.
   The OOC in Athens will bring together Heads of State and Government, the private sectors, civil society, academia, and other stakeholders to discuss six issues as following. 
4 discussion issues:
(a) sustainable tourism
(b) green shipping
(c) reduction of marine plastic and microplastic pollution
(d) the green transition in the Mediterranean
   The Youth Leadership Summit will be held in conjunction with this OOC, and details will be coordinated and information will be released in the future. In past conferences, young people from around the world have been selected to participate in the summit and discuss efforts to achieve a sustainable ocean. 
   Ocean Policy Research Institute (OPRI), the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, invites students who are studying and researching ocean-related issues in the natural and social sciences from an interdisciplinary perspective. Interested young people actively engaged in activities in this field, are encouraged to participate in this conference and forum. 

Summary of Application

people between the ages of 18 and 30
Applicants must meet all of the following four requirements. 
(1) Undergraduate or graduate students affiliated with a university. Or, young people who are involved in coastal and ocean-related activities (in principle, born on or after April 1, 1994)
(2) Have no health problems to travel abroad. 
(3) Be willing to participate in the Youth Leadership Summit and Conference in a positive manner, prepare and give a presentation in English as described in the participation details, and contribute constructively to the discussions.
(4) Ready to participate in the Summit and OOC and undertaking reporting in pursuance with the guidance given by the OPRI and the organizers. 
[Maximum number of particpants]
about 10 people from Japan and overseas
will be based on a screening of documents and, if deemed necessary, an interview by telephone or online.
29 February 2024  *It may be closed when the number of participants is reached to the maximum.
Please send a letter of interest stating your name, affiliation, and profile (200 words, including a brief biography and activities) to:
   Mr. Masanori Kobayashi (, Senior Research Fellow
   Ms. Yukie Moriizumi (, Project Staff.
If the above receipt is confirmed and you wish to be considered, please send the following additional documents to e-mail addresses above.
   1) A 400–600 word essay in English on the subject of "local community development building upon the marine ecosystem services," summarizing coastal and marine management initiatives in which the applicant lives, is involved, or has seen or heard about.
   2) A 400-600 word essay in English on the subject "Success factors for sustainable management of coastal and marine resources".
   3) Name and address of the applicant.
     Application form:
     - name / address / e-mail address / cell phone number of the applicant,
     - university/faculty/graduate school/grade or affiliation
     - motivation for application (100 words or less)
     - involvement with coastal and marine issues (100 words or less)
     - proof of English proficiency (English proficiency test, TOEIC, TOEFL, etc.)
     - overseas experience (timing, duration, location and purpose of travel, etc.)
     - appeal of yourself (100 words or less)
[Organizers] Our Ocean Conference Secretariat (Government of Greece – Ministry of the Environment and Energy – General Secretariat for Natural Environment and Water)
[Location] Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, Athens, Greece
[Object] Participate in the Youth Forum to discuss marine environmental conservation and sustainable use and international cooperation with young researchers, practitioners and undergraduate and graduate students from around the world. In addition to observing or participating in discussions at our ocean conference and related meetings, participants will also have the opportunity to visit Athens and interact with a wide range of participants.

Information provided by the host country can be found at the following website.
Travel schedule (tentative)
Date Events
April 12 Departure from home towns and arrival in Athens
April 13 Program introduction and seminar
April 14 Field visit to learn about marine conservation, sustainable fisheries, etc.
April 15 1st day of the 9th Ocean of Our Oceans Conference (OOC), Youth Leadership Summit
April 16 2nd day of OOC
April 17 3rd day of OOC, Observation of efforts to promote sustainable tourism
April 18 Departure from Athens
April 19 Arrival in Japan or home/residence country
Other Important Notes
* OPRI will cover travel expenses from the participant's place of residence to Athens (economy class airfare), local accommodation, and other expenses that are determined as necessary by the OPRI-SPF. Details will be provided to potential participants in due course.
* Participants are expected to follow the information provided by OPRI officials and to participate in the forum/conference in a responsible manner. In the event that physical circumstances, such as a full flight, or health problems that make international travels impossible, the plan to dispatch the participants may be withdrawn.
* Selected candidates will be responsible for completing the necessary procedures, including registration for the conference, preparation of various documents and presentation materials in English, acquisition of the necessary VISA for travel, and passport renewal (if necessary), in accordance with the information provided by the OPRI staff.
* Within two weeks of their return to Japan or their home/residence country, participants are required to prepare and submit to OPRI an A4-size, two-page report on their participation in the program and materials with photographs attached. Also participants will be asked to make an oral presentation at a debriefing session organized by OPRI.
Masanori Kobayashi, Senior Researcher fellow ( 080-4320-7583
Yukie Moriizumi, Project Staff (
Ocean Policy Research Institute, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation
The Sasakawa Peace Foundation Bldg. 6F, 1-15-16 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8524, Japan

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