

Ocean Shot Research Grant: Commencement of Funding for Selected Projects

We are pleased to announce the initiation of the Ocean Shot Research Grant, a program dedicated to advancing innovative studies for the better understanding and sustainable management of our oceans. After careful evaluation of 30 outstanding proposals from Japan (11), Europe (9), the United States (7), Oceania (2), and Africa (1), we have chosen four projects we consider exceptional to receive funding:
1. Project Title: Massive mEIOfauna DiscoverY of new Species of our oceans and SEAs (MEIODYSSEA)
  Representative Research Organization: Institut français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER)
2. Project Title: Holistic Genomic Approach to Asia-Pacific Marine Biodiversity
  Representative Research Organization: Tohoku University
3. Project Title: Limelight on limestone caves: refugia for relict fauna?
  Representative Research Organization: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
4. Project Title: Next Generation Seafloor Mapping Tools
  Representative Research Organization: University of New Hampshire Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping
We expect these research projects to play a significant role in new discoveries and technological developments in the ocean, thereby substantially improving our understanding of the ocean and the marine environment.
The commencement of funding for these selected projects was effective from December 1st.
We extend our sincere appreciation to all the applicants for the Ocean Shot research grant.

Ocean Shot: Call for Applications

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