

Call for Participation in the International Ocean Human Resource Development Project (2024 Spring)

* Application form has been closed. (2024.1.5 23:59)


The Ocean Policy Research Institute (OPRI) of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation sees the development of ocean leaders who will promote and realize the sustainable use of our ocean for the next generation as an urgent issue and is working from 2022 to support 100 young people over five years and to provide programs that  use various vessels or international conferences as a platform for the youth capacity development.
This time, we will take advantage of the opportunity to board a vessel sailing in the Western Pacific Ocean to deepen our understanding of the current situation and issues in the region, as well as to share and experience the process of consensus building on required actions and deepen mutual understanding through discussion of solutions to the ocean issues.

We look forward to receiving your application for this unique and valuable experience.

Summary of Application

  • Eligibility: Junior Highschool, Highschool, and Undergraduate students between the ages of 13 and 22* (exceptions may apply)
  • Number of applicants: 25 (tentative) (final successful applicants will be determined by document screening)
  • Application deadline: 23:59 January 5 (Fri.), 2024 (Japan time)

Notification of results: January 12 (Fri.), 2024 (Japan time) (Results will be notified individually by January 12. Please note that those not selected will not be contacted.)

Google Form: Call for Participation in the International Ocean Human Resource Development Project ( *Application form has been closed.
Contact: oceanpolicy-event(at) *please replace "(at)" to "@" 
Sailing schedule (tentative)
Date Ports of call Remarks
March 10 Yokohama, Japan Meet in Yokohama by the day before embarkation (March 9)
March 24 Malakal Island, Palau Scheduled to disembark on March 24 (Departure from Palau is scheduled for March 27.)

Children on board (2019-2020 Japan-Palau Goodwill Yacht Race)

Other Important Notes
* OPRI will cover the cost of transportation from the applicant's nearest airport to Japan and from Palau to the applicant's nearest airport, accommodations in Japan and Palau where needed, as well as boarding expenses (including lodging and meals during the voyage). Other expenses (passport and visa issuance fees, overseas travel insurance, etc.) are to be borne by the applicant.
* The best of the youth will have the possibility of supporting their participation in COP29, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which will be held in the Eastern Europe in November 2024.

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