

International Seminar "The Thirtieth Anniversary of the UNCLOS from the Perspective of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf as its Organ"

OPRF implements the project on "Research for Issues accompanied by the Extended Continental Shelf." This year we would like to reflect the achievement of the UN Convention on the law of the sea (UNCLOS) and practices of its organs at the opportunity of the 30th anniversary of the opening for signature of the UNCLOS.
Therefore, we will hold the International Seminar. The seminar is composed of two sessions. Two presentations in the first session will provide the overview of what the UNCLOS is and how its organs work to implement the Convention, especially how the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) fulfills its mandate. The second session is to consider the more practical aspects of the implementation of the UNCLOS, focusing on the practice of the CLCS. We look forward to your attendance.

Detailed Information

13:30pm - 17:30pm Wednesday, July 11th, 2012
(Reception will be held after the seminar.)

Conference room, 2nd Floor, The Nippon Foundation
Address: The Nippon Zaidan Building 1-2-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku , Tokyo

Nearest station:
(1) Toranomon Station (Tokyo Metro, Ginza Line)
Leave the station from Exit 3, and walk straight up the street. The Nippon Zaidan building is a 8-story building on the other side of the first pedestrian bridge you come to.
(2) Tameikesannou Station (Tokyo Metro, Ginza Line and Namboku Line)
Leave the station from Exit 9, and walk straight down Sotobori Dori (Ave.) toward Toranomon. On the right, you will see a Mobile Gas Station. The Nippon Zaidan Building isthe 8-story building just beyond the gas station.
(3) Kokkai Gijido Station (Tokyo Metro, Marunouchi Line and Chiyoda Line)
Leave the station from Exit 3. Go around the corner to the left, keeping the Diet Press Center on your left. Cross Roppongi Dori (Ave.) and continue until you run into Sotobori Dori (Ave.). The Nippon Zaidan Building is the 8-story building across the street.

For more information, please see the home page:

Ocean Policy Research Foundation (OPRF)

Sponsored by:
The Nippon Foundation

English : Simultaneous interpretation between English and Japanese will be available.
13:30 Opening
13:30〜13:40 Opening remarks from OPRF
Session 1: What has been achieved since the adoption of the UNCLOS
Chairperson : Professor Emeritus Moritaka Hayashi, Waseda University
13:40〜13:45 Introduction by Chairperson
13:45〜14:25 The UNCLOS and the roles of its organs (Provisional)
Prof. Taisaku IKESHIMA, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University
14:25〜15:05 The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf -its Establishment and Subsequent Practices-
Prof. Donald R. ROTHWELL, College of Law, Australian National University
15:05〜15:20 Question & Answer
14:25〜14:40 Coffee Break
Session 2: Implementation of the UNCLOS - Practice of the CLCS -
15:40〜15:45 Introduction by Chairperson
15:45〜16:25 Functions of DOALOS and its role in implementing the UNCLOS
Director, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS), Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations Secretariat
16:25〜17:05 The role of the CLCS and its outline: how the CLCS works to fulfill its mandate (Provisional)
Dr. Tetsuro URABE
Professor, Department of Earth & Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo/ Member of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS)
17:05〜17:30 Question & Answer
17:30 Closing
17:15〜19:00 Reception
100 people
Entry fee
Please fill in and send the attached application form by Fax to: 03-5404-6800
Please send the following information by E-mail.
- Whether you attend both the Seminar and Reception, or the Seminar only.
- Your name
- Name of your position and organization
- Address, Telephone, Fax
For more information
Yumiko Iuchi (Ms.)
Research Fellow, Maritime Research Division
Ocean Policy Research Foundation
Phone: 03-5404-6817

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