

International Symposium 'Development of Natural Resources in the Arctic' on 14 and 15 December 2010



Ocean Policy Research Foundation (OPRF) has been engaged in various studies and research work in multi-faceted aspects of Northern Sea Route (NSR) since 1993. OPRF undertook research under the auspices of International Northern Sea Route Programme (INSROP/JANSROP) towards establishing a new sea route, in collaboration with research institutions in Russia and Norway from 1993 to 1999. The programme was further developed and formed JANSROP Phase II as 'Development and Operation Programme for Environmental Sustainability in East Eurasia'. JAMSROP Phase II focused on the eastern part of NSR including some parts of Siberia, Far East Russia and the Sea of Okhotsk.
'Arctic Conference Japan'

On July 2010, 'Arctic Conference Japan' was established in order to propose guidelines to the Japanese Government in respect of Arctic policy and strategy, in particular, as to how Japan as a non-Arctic coastal State may involve herself in Arctic governance, in the context of increasing commercial interest and opportunities in the areas of navigation and exploration of seabed resources as the result of the climate change due to the global warming, which has given rise to less and less Arctic ice in the area.

'Arctic Conference Japan' consists of 12 experts under the leadership and guidance of Mr. Sasakawa, The Chairman, The Nippon Foundation. The first meeting was held on the topic of 'Order under the International Law and Governance' on 8 July . The second meeting was held on the topic of 'Navigation and shipbuilding' on 14 October 2010.

The present International Symposium and Specialists Meeting marks the third endeavor of 'Arctic Conference Japan' since its inception in July 2010.

'Arctic Conference Japan' will continue its deliberation and plan to hold the next session on 'Science, Research and Security' in the Arctic in the near future (date to be announced later)

The present International Symposium

The present International Symposium attempted to exchange and give careful consideration to the different views and approaches presented by the four experts, especially on 'Development of Natural Resources in the Arctic'. Four experts were invited on this occasion; Dr. Kuznetsov (First Deputy Director, Institute of Innovative Energy, RRC Kurchatov Instiute) from Russia; Mr. Dahle (Managing Director, Akvaplan-niva) and Mr. Tschudi (Chairman of the Board, Tschudi Shipping Company AS) from Norway; and Dr. Motomura (Chief Researcher (Russia & CIS), Research Department, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation: JOGMEC) from Japan.

Outline of the presentations
Firstly, Mr. Tschudi presented about the situation of exploring and exploiting natural resources including oil, gas and minerals in Norway as well as the activities of Tschudi Shipping Company as its President. He pointed out that NSR is a new and fascinating passage influenced by climate change, technological improvement and increased price of those of natural resources. The Norwegian effort toward the exploration, exploitation and transportation of natural resources in the Arctic provided insight for Japanese audience.

Secondly, Dr. Motomura provided detailed information of exploration of natural resources in Russian Federation. In particular, the amount of deposit of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Russia has great potential since the Russian continental shelf is the largest in the Arctic coastal States. Dr. Motomura suggested that the import of natural resources from Russian Federation will place Japan on an advantageous position owing to its geological vicinity to Japan compared with the Middle East.

Thirdly, Dr. Kuznetsov claimed that nuclear power plays a great role in the navigation in the Arctic. Exploring the potential of nuclear submarine vessels was explained especially in the production of oil and gas in ice covered area.

Lastly, Mr. Dahle presented Arctic marine biodiversity from the three points of view: climate change in the Arctic, influence of climate change on the ecosystem and human impacts. He pointed out that Norway and Russian Federation reached an agreement in the delimitation in Barents Sea this year, which will lead to the strong cooperation in environmental issues.

Concluding Remarks

In the panel discussion, the following five points were noted:

Positive scenarios could be visualized for further development and production of natural resources in the Arctic within a decade or so, involving Asian markets and enterprises to greater extent;
Arctic shipping would gradually be increased. A new NSR Regulation of Russia possesses the key to the Arctic shipping. Preparation/maintenance of the infrastructure remains vague;
Emission and environmental requirements in whole will accelerate the use of the Arctic shipping and the development of nuclear-powered machines and vessels as well;
Arctic Council will work well on the governance of the Arctic Ocean. However, non-Arctic states will be able to claim an equal voice with the Council regarding the global issues;
Further international co-operations are crucial to prediction of changes in the ecosystem in the Arctic in a few decades.
(Scene of the panel discussion)

(Scene of the panel discussion)


3.1 International Symposium
Date Tue. 14 December 2010
Presentation and Panel discussion 13:30〜17:30
Reception 17:45〜19:00
Place Conference room, The Nippon Foundation (1-2-2 Akasaka, Minatoku, Tokyo, JAPAN)
Main theme: Development of Natural Resources in the Arctic
Presentation 1 "Norway's View on Development of Natural Resources in Arctic Reality and perspective of the Arctic Shipping"
Mr. Felix Tschudi, Chairman of the Board, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
Presentation 2 "Japan's Approach to the Oil and Gas Development of the Arctic Region"
Mr. Motomura, Chief Researcher (Russia & CIS), Research Department, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)
Presentation 3 "Nuclear Energy Prospects for Submarine/Sub-Ice Oil & Gas Production on the Russian Arctic Shelf"
Dr. Viacheslav Kuznetsov
First Deputy Director, Institute of Innovative Energy, RRC Kurchatov Institute
Presentation 4 "Changes in the Arctic Environment and Arctic Marine Biodiversities including Arctic Living Resources"
Mr. Salve Dahle, Managing Director, Akvaplan-niva
(Scene of the Specialists Meeting)

(Scene of the Specialists Meeting)

3.2 Specialists Meeting
Date Wed. 15 December 2010 10:30~12:30
Place Conference room, Ocean Policy Research Foundation (1-15-16 Toranomon, Minatoku, Tokyo, JAPAN)
Organised by: Ocean Policy Research Foundation
Supplementary talks about the matters at the Symposium
(1)new NSR Regulation(s) under consideration in the Duma
(2)role of non-Arctic states on the Arctic issues;
   observations, satellite-based monitoring, infrastructure-support,
Russian and Norwegian comments to OPRF on the following items;
(1)Design and construction of an icebreaking marine observation vessel on OPRF's plan
(2)Possible bilateral/multilateral cooperation on science and technology, related to the Arctic, in particular
Akihiko IKEDA (Mr.), General Manager, Maritime Technology Department, OPRF
Kanae KOMAKI (Ms.), Research Fellow, Policy Research Department, OPRF
Address: 1-15-16 Toranomon, Minatoku, Tokyo 105-0001
Tel: +81-3-3502-1949 (IKEDA), +81-3-3502-1853 (KOMAKI)
FAX: +81-3-3502-2033

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