

The 194th Ocean Forum: Game-changing technology for fisheries resource surveys - Ocean acoustic waveguide remote sensing

OrganizerOcean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI-SPF)

The effective distance of the fish finder, which is often used in conventional fisheries resource surveys, ranges from several tens of meters to several hundred meters at maximum. "Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing" developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, is an epoch-making technology that enables weather radar-like visualization of schools of pelagic fish which has been demonstrated out to radii of roughly 60 km. It uses the resonance frequency of fish swim bladders, which is much lower than the ultrasonic sounds used by fish finders, to image pelagic fish resources over vast areas in real time, and make minute to minute updates of areal population densities. The technology also has been demonstrated to detect, track and classify cetaceans that emit their own sounds out to ranges between 100-200 km, as well as the local sounds fish shoals emit during the breeding season.  If this technology is introduced to the fishing grounds of pelagic resources, it will not only save the searching time of target shoals and aid efficient capture, but it will also enable adaptive management of fish resources referring to the current status of the biomass distributions, and spatio-temporal quantification of behavioral dynamics.

At this Ocean Forum hosted by the Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI-SPF), we will welcome Professor Nicolas Makris and Professor Purnima Ratilal Makris, who developed this technology, and discuss the application of this technology to the management of various Asian fisheries resources.

Regarding registration

Please register from either the in-person participation or online participation registration form provided on this page by 12:00 JST on Monday, July 3.

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Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI-SPF)
TEL: 03-5157-5210
Please send inquiries on the event to kaiyoforum (@)

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TEL: 03-5157-5395
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15:00 JST Opening Remarks
 Dr. Hide SAKAGUCHI (President, OPRI-SPF)

 Prof. Nicolas MAKRIS (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
 Prof. Purnima Ratilal MAKRIS (Northeastern University)
16:00 JST Panel "Application of Ultra-Wide Area Fisheries Resource Monitoring Technology"
 Prof. Nicolas MAKRIS (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
 Prof. Purnima Ratilal MAKRIS (Northeastern University)
 Prof. Yoshiki MATSUSHITA (Nagasaki University)
 Dr. Tomonari AKAMATSU (Director, Division of Ocean Policy Research, OPRI-SPF) (Moderator)
17:00 JST Closing
***The time and contents are subject to change.




President, OPRI-SPF

Prof. Nicolas MAKRIS

Prof. Nicolas MAKRIS

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof. Purnima Ratilal MAKRIS

Prof. Purnima Ratilal MAKRIS

Northeastern University

Prof. Yoshiki MATSUSHITA

Prof. Yoshiki MATSUSHITA

Nagasaki University

Dr. Tomonari AKAMATSU

Dr. Tomonari AKAMATSU

Director, Division of Ocean Policy Research, OPRI-SPF

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