

10/8 OPRI VIRTUAL SEMINAR "Subsea cable development and security prospects: From the Pacific Islands to the Arctic Sea"

OrganizerOcean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI-SPF)

Today’s complex geopolitical dynamics make the safety and structural integrity of the undersea cable network a major security concern: from the ocean depths to their landing zones, be them the sandy beaches of the Pacific Islands or the frozen shores of the Arctic. Actually, those two regions, which until recently were on the sidelines, are now coming to the fore of the subsea cable global scene. Fibre-optic connectivity in the Pacific Islands has improved markedly over the last decade. However, cable expansion has become an arena in which long-established regional partners, like Australia and the United States, vie for diplomatic clout and infrastructural positioning vis-à-vis a new subsea cable logistics powerhouse: the People’s Republic of China. The resulting “security anxiety” has effected the suspension, diversion and reconstitution of several cable line projects.

Meanwhile, much farther North, a trans-Arctic sea cable route is becoming realizable against the backdrop of rising sea temperatures and technological advancement. The new data highway would link northern Europe with Russia, Japan, China and North America along the Northeast Passage, making internet less vulnerable and, at the same time, opening a vector of regional development. It then appears that the incentive for cooperation among Arctic stakeholders is solid. Yet, not dissimilarly from the Pacific Island case, convergence of interests is counterpoised by security concerns and geopolitical algebra.

In light of this situation, the Ocean Policy Research Institute has invited up-and-coming researchers from overseas to examine the challenges and prospects of submarine cable networks, which are expected to expand in the future.

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Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI-SPF)
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Subsea cable development and security prospects: From the Pacific Islands to the Arctic Sea


Dr. Hide Sakaguchi
Opening Remarks

Dr. Hide Sakaguchi

President, the Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI-SPF)

Dr. Tomonari Akamatsu
Introduction to This Seminar

Dr. Tomonari Akamatsu

Director and Senior Fellow of the Policy Research Dept., OPRI-SPF

Dr. Amanda H A Watson
Presentation 1

Dr. Amanda H A Watson

Research Fellow, the Department of Pacific Affairs, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University (Australia)

Dr. Daria Shvets
Presentation 2

Dr. Daria Shvets

Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Pompeu Fabra University (Spain)

Dr. Fabrizio Bozzato

Dr. Fabrizio Bozzato

Senior Research Fellow, OPRI-SPF

Dr. Atsushi Sunami
Closing Remarks

Dr. Atsushi Sunami

President, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation

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