Notice regarding SPF's winter break
Please note that our office will be closed during the following period for winter break. Saturday, December 28, 2024 through Sunday, January 5, 2025
*UPDATE: In continuation to the below message released on March 27, and taking into consideration the statements given by the Japanese Government and Tokyo Metropolitan Government on the current situation, the foundation has extended the implementing period until the end of May, with all employees to work from home in principle during this period. Plans for FY2020 programs will be announced in due course on the foundation website, through emails to partners, etc., when they have been confirmed. We greatly appreciate the continued cooperation of all relevant parties. Lastly, we express our sincere wishes for the recovery of those affected, and our heartfelt gratitude to the healthcare providers and others on the frontline who have tirelessly been working to stop the spread of the virus.
In response to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation has been implementing measures including staggered working hours and telework since March 2, 2020. Taking into consideration the current situation, including the strong statements given by the Japanese Government and Tokyo Metropolitan Government on March 25, the foundation has decided to extend these measures until April 30. The implementing period will continue to be assessed in response to announcements made by the Japanese Government and Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Due to the extension of these measures, implementation plans for the foundation's FY2020 programs may be reviewed based on the overall situation. We ask for the kind cooperation and understanding of all related parties. Finally, we express our wishes for the speedy recovery of those affected and a quick end to the spread of the virus.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Media Relations Division, Sasakawa Peace Foundation