
The Senkaku Islands Mentioned in US Civil Administration Documents

The following documents include the Senkaku Islands within the jurisdiction of the civil administration.

  • US Civil Administration Proclamation No. 27 (Geographic Boundaries of the Ryukyu Islands), Article I. Announced on December 25, 1953. (Ref. 1)
  • US Civil Administration Ordinance No. 125 (Control of Entry and Exit of Individuals Into and From the Ryukyu Islands), Article 6. Announced on February 11, 1954, and implemented on February 15, 1954. (Ref. 2)
  • US Civil Administration Ordinance No. 144 (Code of Penal Law and Procedure), Part 2, Chapter 1, Article 9. Announced on March 16, 1955, and implemented on April 9, 1955. (Ref. 3)




Ref.1 :US Civil Administration Proclamation No. 27 (Geographic Boundaries of the Ryukyu Islands).
Okinawa Prefectural Archives.

Ref.2 :US Civil Administration Ordinance No. 125 (Control of Entry and Exit of Individuals Into and From the Ryukyu Islands).
Okinawa Prefectural Archives.

Ref.3 :US Civil Administration Ordinance No. 144 (Code of Penal Law and Procedure). Okinawa Prefectural Archives.


Reference Materials
"Senkaku Retto dai 2 shu" (The Senkaku Islands Second Feature), in Kikan Okinawa (Okinawa Quarterly) 63 (December 31, 1972), pp. 158-161.
Kikan Okinawa is the journal of Nanpo Doho Engokai (Assistance Association for Okinawa and Ogasawara Islands).


