On October 21, 1968, Chief Executive Matsuoka Seiho sent a reply to Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter, agreeing with his proposal to install warning signs. (Ref. 1)
A letter dated March 28, 1969 was sent to the civil administration from the Immigration Office requesting $6,815 in assistance to install the warning signs. (Ref. 2)
On January 29, 1970, a notice was sent from the civil administration with the information $6,815 had been provided as well as instructions for installing the warning signboards. (Ref. 3)
On July 9-13, 1970, the Government of the Ryukyu Islands installed signboards with warnings in Japanese, English, and Chinese on the islands of Uotsuri Island, Kuba Island, Taisho Island, Minamikojima Island, and Kitakojima Island. These five islands had previously had administrative markers built on them by the city of Ishigaki in May 1969. (Ref. 4)
The Senkaku Islands warning signboard installation plans (Okinawa Prefectural Archives)
Photographs from Ryukyu seifu kankei shashin shiryo
(Photographic Documents Related to the Government of the Ryukyu Islands) (1970)
(Above: Warning signboard installed on Uotsuri Island; Below: Installation work)
(Okinawa Prefectural Archives)
Ref.1 :"Senkaku Retto ni kansuru Beikoku minseifu minseikan shokan ni tsuite" (Concerning Letters to US Civil Administration Civil Administrators Regarding the Senkaku Islands), Immigration Office (reply dated October 21, 1968: General Document 1994).
Copy in OPRF Center for Island Studies.
Ref.2 :"Senkaku Retto ni okeru keikokuban no secchi ni tsuite" (Regarding Installation of Warning Signboards on the Senkaku Islands), Immigration Office (March 28, 1969).
Copy in OPRF Center for Island Studies.
Ref.3 :Transmittal of Funds (USACAR, HCRI-PS, 29 Jan 1970)
Copy in OPRF Center for Island Studies.
Ref.4 :Higa Kenji (Head of Security Section, Immigration Office), "Senkaku Retto no keikokuban secchi ni kansuru fukumeisho" (Report on Installation of Warning Signboards on the Senkaku Islands) (July 24, 1970).
Copy in OPRF Center for Island Studies.
Reference Materials
"Senkaku Retto dai 2 shu" (The Senkaku Islands Second Feature), in Kikan Okinawa (Okinawa Quarterly) 63 (December 31, 1972), pp.161, 164.
Kikan Okinawa is the journal of Nanpo Doho Engokai (Assistance Association for Okinawa and Ogasawara Islands).
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