Kumeakashima Designated as Japanese Territory and Renamed Taishoto
Feb 17, 2015
On July 25, 1922, based on a notification from Okinawa Prefecture, the Japanese government designated Kumeakashima Island as Japanese territory and recorded it in the national land registry. Its name was changed to Taisho Island and it was brought under the jurisdiction of the Home Ministry. Uotsuri Island and other islands were under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. (Ref. 1)
On July 28, 1922, in accordance with the notification "Tochi ni kansuru ido" (Transfer of Land) from Yaeyama Tax Office to Ishigaki Village Office, Taisho Island was incorporated into Ishigaki City with the land number (chiban) 2394 and recorded in the land registry. (Ref. 2)
Ref.1 :Ishigakishi Tochi Daicho (Ishigaki City Land Registry). Copy in OPRF Center for Island Studies.
Ref.2 :"Tochi ni kansuru ido" (Transfer of Land) sent from Yaeyama Tax Office to Ishigaki Village Office. Copy in OPRF Center for Island Studies.
Reference Materials
"Senkaku Retto dai 2 shu" (The Senkaku Islands Second Feature), in Kikan Okinawa (Okinawa Quarterly) 63 (December 31, 1972), pp. 132-133.
Kikan Okinawa is the journal of Nanpo Doho Engokai (Assistance Association for Okinawa and Ogasawara Islands).
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