December 5, 1885
Further Petition from Okinawa Prefecture and Postponement of Construction of Sovereignty Markers
Feb 17, 2015
The Izumo Maru carried out surveys in the Senkaku Islands between October 22 and November 1, 1885. Having received the results, on November 5, Okinawa Governor Nishimura Sutezo repeated his request to Home Minister Yamagata Aritomo that sovereignty markers be constructed on the islands. (Ref. 1)
On November 24, Nishimura wrote again to Yamagata, seeking instructions. (Ref. 2) On November 30, Yamagata replied that he had approached Foreign Minister Inoue Kaoru for consultation concerning instructions for Okinawa Prefecture, and sent him a draft directive that construction of sovereignty markers would be deferred in the name of both the home minister and the foreign minister. (Ref. 2)
On December 4, Inoue sent a response expressing the same sentiments as Yamagata. (Ref. 3) On December 5, a directive was sent to Nishimura in the names of both ministers to postpone construction of sovereignty markers. (Ref. 1) Construction of sovereignty markers on the Senkaku Islands was temporarily deferred.
Ref.1 :"Uotsurishima hoka nito jicchi torishirabe no gi ni tsuki joshin" (Field Report on Uotsuri Island and Two Other Islands) 384 (Teikoku hanto kankei zakken (Matters Related to Imperial Territory) 1-4-1-7, from the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Ref.2 :"Mujinto e kokuhyo kensetsu ni kanshi Okinawa kenrei e no shireian kyogi no ken" (Consultation on Draft Directive for Okinawa Governor Regarding Construction of Sovereignty Markers on Uninhabited Islands), Hi (Secret Document) 218-2, in Teikoku hanto kankei zakken (Matters Related to Imperial Territory) 1-4-1-7, from the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Ref.3 :"Mujinto e kokuhyo kensetsu no gi ni tsuki Okinawa kenrei yori ukagaide ni tai suru shirei ni kanshi kaito no ken" (Response Regarding Orders to Request from Okinawa Governor Concerning Construction of Sovereignty Markers on Uninhabited Islands), Shinten (Confidential Document) 42, in Teikoku hanto kankei zakken (Matters Related to Imperial Territory) 1-4-1-7, from the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Reference Materials
"Senkaku Retto dai 2 shu" (The Senkaku Islands Second Feature), in Kikan Okinawa (Okinawa Quarterly) 63 (December 31, 1972), pp. 116-121.
Kikan Okinawa is the journal of Nanpo Doho Engokai (Assistance Association for Okinawa and Ogasawara Islands).
→ Home Minister Asks Foreign Minister's Opinion Regarding Construction of Sovereignty Markers
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