October 22, 1885

Okinawa Representatives Sent on Izumo Maru to Survey Potential for Development

In 1885, the governor of Okinawa sent a group led by Ishizawa Heigo to the Senkaku Islands on the Izumo Maru, a ship owned by Osaka Shosen. The group conducted surveys on potential establishment of harbors and land development. Ishizawa Heigo completed a report on November 4, 1885 (Ref. 1), and the captain of the Izumo Maru, Hayashi Tsurumatsu, on November 2 of the same year. (Ref. 2)




Ref.1 : Ishizawa Heigo, "Uotsurishima hoka nito junshi torishirabe gairyaku" (Summary Report of Inspection of Uotsuri Island and Two Other Islands), in Teikoku hanto kankei zakken (Matters Related to Imperial Territory) 1-4-1-7, from the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Ref.2 :Hayashi Tsurumatsu, "Uotsuri, Kuba, Kumeakashima kaiko hokokusho" (Report of Voyage to Uotsuri Island, Kuba Island, and Kumeakashima Island), in Teikoku hanto kankei zakken (Matters Related to Imperial Territory) 1-4-1-7, from the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.


Reference Materials
"Senkaku Retto dai 2 shu" (The Senkaku Islands Second Feature), in Kikan Okinawa (Okinawa Quarterly) 63 (December 31, 1972), pp. 116-119.
Kikan Okinawa is the journal of Nanpo Doho Engokai (Assistance Association for Okinawa and Ogasawara Islands).


