The voyage to Takeshima and fishing activities
Jul 07, 2023
In 1903, Hashioka Tomojiro, Iguchi Ryutaro and five other hunters voyaged to Takeshima during the month of May. The group built a small hut on Takeshima where they resided and split up into two groups, one for hunting sea lions and another for cleaning the carcasses. The group hunted using two small craft, and the carcasses would be dressed for commodities such as hides, meat and blubber. Records indicate that the fruits of their labor were sold in Osaka for 1960 yen for the total catch. (Ref.1)
Hashioka Tomojiro, Ikeda Kitajiro and 9 others voyaged to Takeshima in April of 1904. Records indicate that the group conducted similar activities as the year prior, selling their total catch for 4234 yen. (Ref.1) A report submitted to Shimane Prefecture in relation to these activities details matters such as each members’ capital expenditures, pertinent operators, and employees. (Ref.2)
Ref. 1: “Official document No. 906 (April 18, 1905),” ‘Takeshima Kashisage Ashika Gyogyo Shorui ’ (Documents concerning the Lease of Takeshima and Sea Lion Hunting) (Shimane Prefecture Public Records Center)
Ref. 2: “36 Nendo Shihon Kin Shishutsu” (Capital Expenditures for FY1903) ‘Takeshima Kashisage Ashika Gyogyo Shorui’ (Documents Concerning the Lease of Takeshima and Sea Lion Hunting) (Shimane Prefecture Public Records Center)
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