Takeshima is added to the Ledger of State-owned Land

Shimane Governor Matsunaga Takekichi, in a correspondence dated May 3 of 1905, ordered the Oki Islands Branch Office to conduct a survey measuring the surface area of Takeshima and to report its results. (Ref.1) The Oki Islands Branch Office, in a correspondence dated May 17 of 1905, responded to the order by supplying a simplified map of the surface of the islands. (Ref.2)

Shimane Prefecture added the measured surface area of Shimane Prefecture to the Ledger of State-owned Land. The surface area of Takeshima was reported at the time as 23 chō 3 tan 3 sebu or approximately 0.231 km2. (Ref.3)

Ref. 1: “Shimane Prefecture Land No. 90,” 1905

Ref. 2: “(A) Land No. 4,” 1905

Ref. 3: “Ledger of State-Owned Land in the Counties of Suki, Ochi, Ama and Chibu, Oki Province”

Related documents
Shimane Prefectural Archives Government Documents 1, 2011, p.86 (Takeshima Kankei Shiryoshu 2-shu) (Collection of Documents Pertaining to Takeshima Vol. 2), Shimane Prefecture

Shimane Prefectural Archives Government Documents 1, 2011, p.86 (Takeshima Kankei Shiryoshu 2-shu) (Collection of Documents Pertaining to Takeshima Vol. 2), Shimane Prefecture

Shimane Prefectural Archives Government Documents 1, 2011, p.160 (Takeshima Kankei Shiryoshu 2-shu) (Collection of Documents Pertaining to Takeshima Vol. 2), Shimane Prefecture

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