Author - Tomotaka Shoji


Tomotaka Shoji

Director, Regional Studies Department
National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)

Tomotaka Shoji

Security and international relations in Southeast Asia

Tomotaka Shoji has worked as a researcher at the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) since October 2002. His areas of expertise include security and international relations in Southeast Asia, particularly in Vietnam. He received a PhD in international relations from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo. His recent papers in English include "Vietnam's Security Cooperation with the United States: Historical Background, Present and Future Outlook" (NIDS Journal of Defense and Security, No. 19, December 2018) and “Japan’s Security Cooperation with ASEAN: Pursuit of a Status as a ‘Relevant Partner’” (NIDS Journal of Defense and Security, No.16, December 2015).
