Author - Masahide Takahashi


Masahide Takahashi

Senior Research Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan

Masahide Takahashi

North Africa Area studies, Energy Economics, France's Middle East Policy

Masahide Takahashi has worked as a researcher at the Institute of Middle East Institute of Japan since April 2020. He received his MA degrees from Sophia University and Aoyama Gakuin University. His research interests focus on the energy policies of Middle East countries and French foreign policy. He is the author of articles on energy policies of Algeria and Gulf countries including “Algeriaʼs Relations with Russia and France: The Role of Energy Supply amid the Ukraine Crisis”, The Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.544, 2022, “Russia and the Middle Eastʼs Nuclear Power Plant Market: The Advantage of Fuel Supplier”, The Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.547, 2023.
