OPRF MARINT Monthly Report December 2006
Introduction1. Intelligence Bulletin
1.1 Law and order
1.2 Military security
Commentary : Overview on China's Defense White Paper in 2006
1.3 Diplomacy and International Relations
1.4 Shipping Resources, Environment and Others
2. Intelligence Assessment
Strategic Global Partnership between Japan and India: Significance and Orientation toward Future
OPRF MARINT Monthly Report November 2006
Introduction1. Intelligence Bulletin
1.1 Law and order
1.2 Military security
Commentary: Chinese Submarine Stalks U.S. Aircraft Carrier
1.3 Diplomacy and International Relations
1.4 Shipping, Resources, Environment and Others
2. Intelligence Assessment
2.1 The U.S. President Bush's Asian Tour
2.2 Strategic Partnership between China and India
OPRF MARINT Monthly Report October 2006
Introduction1. Intelligence Bulletin
1.1 Law and order
Commentary : Piracy and Armed Robbery in the first nine months of 2006
1.2 Military security
1.3 Diplomacy and International Relations
1.4 Resources, Environment and Others
2. Intelligence Assessment
North Korean Nuclear Test ― Its aims and aftermath, and Japanese and South Korean responses to the Security Council Sanction Resolution
OPRF MARINT Monthly Report September 2006
Introduction1. Intelligence Bulletin
1.1 Law and order
Commentary : Overview of the IMO Conference on the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Topic : Increasing Use of a Sound Device for Anti-Piracy Measures
1.2 Military security
1.3 Diplomacy and International Relations
1.4 Resources, Environment and Others
2. Intelligence Assessment
2.1 ReCAAP Going into Effect: Outline and Future Challenges
2.2 The Partial Cancellation of Sakhalin II Oil and Gas Project