サイトポリシー / Site policy






  • 海洋安全保障情報季報:3ヶ月に1度発行している海洋安全保障情報季報のPDF版を掲載しています
  • 海洋安全保障情報旬報:海洋に関する主要事象を約10日周期で発信しています
  • 海洋安全保障情報特報:特筆するべき事項や論文を要約して紹介しています
  • 北極海の海氷状況:北極海の海氷の衛星観測データ・月間状況分析を紹介しています
  • Intelligence Analysis:海洋安全保障情報特報を英語で発信しています

















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Website Overview

This website was launched in July 2013 by the Ocean Policy Research Foundation (OPRF). The OPRF merged with The Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF) on April 1, 2015. We will continue our activities on this website as before, though under the new name of Ocean Policy Research Institute (OPRI), SPF. The aim of the site is to present information on ocean affairs, introducing reports and analyses on this data, to help promote deeper understanding of the issues.

Site Content

This site provides content in the following categories.

Kaiyo Anzen Hosyo Joho Kiho: Quarterly reports published on maritime security issues (PDF; Japanese content only).
Kaiyo Anzen Hosyo Joho Junpo: Brief reports on international maritime security issues published every 10 days (Japanese content only).
Kaiyo Anzen Hosyo Joho Tokuho: Lengthy reports and analyses of international maritime security issues meriting special attention (Japanese content only).
Hokkyokukai no Kaihyo Jyokyo: Brief reports on Arctic sea ice conditions published every month (Japanese content only).
Intelligence Analysis: English translations of analyses originally written in Japanese in Kaiyo Anzen Hosyo Joho Tokuho (English content).


All content on this website is copyrighted by the OPRI, unless otherwise stated. The display, duplication, printing, and other personal use of the site’s content are permitted within the bounds of law. However, unauthorized use (including duplication, alteration, distribution, etc.) beyond the extent of personal use is prohibited, except in cases where the content is to be reprinted or distributed for research, education, media reporting, and similar purposes. In such cases, you are required to properly cite the content to identify its source as this website and publisher as the Ocean Policy Research Institute, SPF.


While we strive to keep this website accurately updated, no warranty is given that the website is free from errors. The OPRI assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any damages resulting from the use of this website or information therein.

In addition, the contents of Intelligence Analysis would be authors’ personal view and we would like to comment on these not being views of the organizations which authors belong.

The content of this website is subject to change or removal without prior notice. The OPRI assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any damages resulting from changes to or removal of the content.

While we strive to operate this website in a reliable manner, the OPRI assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any damages resulting from network interruption, operation shutdown, or other form of inaccessibility.

Linking Policy

You are free in principle to link to any portion of this website. However, please note the following.

The OPRI assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any damages resulting from establishing links to this website. In addition, the website addresses (URLs), content, etc. are subject to change or removal without prior notice.

Even when a link to this website has been established, the OPRI gives no warranty as to the content of the website providing the link. The link should not be viewed as our endorsement of the use or the content of the linking site. Nor should it be assumed that the administrator of the linking website has any affiliation or relationship with the OPRI.

Do not establish a link to this website by:

• using any logo or graphics, in whole or in part, that belong to this website
• integrating the link with the information posted on this website so that this information appears to be part of the website providing the link

We reserve the right to refuse the establishment of a link from the following websites:

• any website that features defamation of a third party, the authors whose work appears here, the OPRI, or members of its staff
• any website that is offensive to public order and morals or that impairs trust in or harms the dignity of the OPRI
• any website that misrepresents itself as having an affiliation or close ties with the OPRI or as enjoying acknowledgment or support from the OPRI

Recommended Browsers

We recommend the following browsers or newer versions of them for viewing the content of this website. Use of another browser configuration may not be able to correctly display or print any or all content.

Firefox (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version), Safari (latest version), Microsoft Edge (latest version,Windows only)
