Author - Mika Inoue-Hanzawa


Mika Inoue-Hanzawa

Professor, Toyo Gakuen University

Mika Inoue-Hanzawa

International politics, African security

Inoue-Hanzawa completed the doctoral coursework at Graduate Program on Human Security, The University of Tokyo (M.A. in International Relations from Tsuda University). She was a visiting scholar at SIPA (Columbia University) with a Fulbright Scholarship, a researcher at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an associate professor at the Faculty of Law at Hiroshima Shudo University, and a visiting researcher at the Hiroshima Peace Institute before assuming her current position in 2017. Her research interests cover both international politics and international security studies. Much of her work has been on UN peacekeeping in Africa. Her works include The Theory and Practice of International Peace Operations: Challenges in South Sudan (2020, co-authored), and “Japan as a security purveyor in Western Africa: conceptual and geographical challenges,” La Fondation pour la recherche stratégique (FRS) (2021).
