Views from Inside America
To provide a closer look at the on-the-ground reality, challenges, and opportunities in the United States, this page features essays by Japanese researchers and experts in the United States as well as video interviews of American leaders living in various cities across the United States.
Essays by Japanese Researchers in the U.S.
**Written in Japanese only
An essay series by Dr. Nobuhiro Aizawa (Associate Professor of Kyushu University, specializing in Southeast Asia), who is currently a Woodrow Wilson Center Japan Scholar in Washington D.C., with the support of SPF since September 2019
An essay series by Dr. Nobuhiro Aizawa (Associate Professor of Kyushu University, specializing in Southeast Asia), who is currently a Woodrow Wilson Center Japan Scholar in Washington D.C., with the support of SPF since September 2019
Voices from the States
A series of video interviews with Asian American state legislators who visited Japan in the past through the Asian American Leadership Delegation (AALD) Program, organized in cooperation with the U.S.-Japan Council