Ocean Newsletter

No.343 November 20, 2014

  • Japan and the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States(SIDS) Hiroshi TERASHIMA
    Executive Director, Ocean Policy Research Foundation
    Selected Papers No.19
  • Handing on the Bountiful Seas of the Ogasawara Islands to Future Generations: joint Japan-China counter-measures to effectively address illegal operations by Precious Coral fishers Shigeo ICHIKI
    Representative, Ogasawara Village Council
    Hideaki HIRAGA
    Precious Coral fisher, Ogasawara Village
    Gakushi ISHIMURA
    Researcher, Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University
  • Kamagari (Black Croaker) Year One in Usuki City, Oita Prefecture: the region works as one to promote its marine products Masaya YUKIHIRA
    Engineer, Farming and Fishing Village Promotion Section, Central Promotion Bureau, Oita Prefecture

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