

Asian Renaissance: Capacity Building for Future Leaders in Southeast Asia

Project contents
With the cooperation of experts and politicians from Japan, ASEAN countries, the United States, and Europe, this project aims to develop the next generation of Southeast Asian leaders by providing promising individuals from such areas as politics, government, business, and academia in ASEAN countries with opportunities to broaden and enrich their culture and accomplishments. In fiscal 2007 workshop participants were recruited in two ways: selection from applications submitted through a website, and nominations by alumni. Applicants were screened based on submitted documents and through interviews. Twenty-five people were selected to attend the workshop, nine from Malaysia--the host of the workshop--one from Thailand, six from the Philippines, and nine from Indonesia.
At the workshop, which was held December 2-7, 2007, in Kota Kinabalu with the participation of Malaysia's former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and others, lectures and discussions were featured on such topics as leadership skills that the next generation of leaders should possess. Participants also discussed Identity and Violence by Amartya Sen and The Asian Renaissance by Anwar Ibrahim, both of which were designated as required reading before the workshop.

Implementing Agency Institute for Policy Research (Malaysia) Year Implementation year(2/5)
Project Type Self OperatedGrantCommissionedOther Year project budget implementation 12,508,466yen