About OPRI



前川 美湖

前川 美湖 まえかわ みこ
2011年に東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科で博士号(国際協力学)取得。国連開発計画 ルワンダ事務所 常駐代表補佐、東京大学総括プロジェクト機構「水の知」(サントリー)総括寄付講座特任助教、大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科グローバル人間学専攻特任講師などを経て、2015年より笹川平和財団海洋政策研究所 主任研究員。


  • 国際協力学
  • 海洋と気候変動(移住問題)
  • 海洋生物多様性の保全と利用
2023 Nagisa Shiiba, Priyatma Singh, Dhrishna Charan, Kushaal Raj, Jack Stuart, Arpana Pratap, Miko Maekawa (2023) Climate change and coastal resiliency of Suva, Fiji: a holistic approach for measuring climate risk using the climate and ocean risk vulnerability index (CORVI) , Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 28, 9. doi:10.1007/s11027-022-10043-4
2022 Miko Maekawa, Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Takayasu Yoshida, and Nagisa Shiiba (2022) Highly Skilled Migrant Workers as a Vulnerability of Small Island Developing States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cases of Three Countries in Micronesia, J. Disaster Res., Vol.17, No.3, pp. 380-387, 2022. 
2022 Shanna N. McClain, Carl Bruch, Erin Daly, James May, Yuko Hamada, Miko Maekawa, Nagisa Shiiba, Mikiyasu Nakayama, and Glykeria Tsiokanou (2022) Migration with Dignity: A Legal and Policy Framework, J. Disaster Res., Vol.17, No.3, pp. 292-300. 
2022 Ryo Fujikura, Miko Maekawa, Mikiyasu Nakayama, and Daisuke Sasaki, “Evacuees Preferred to Continue Living in Relocation Sites Rather than Return: Misunderstanding of the Government and Media About the True Intentions of Evacuees,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.17, No.3, pp. 356-364, 2022. 
2022 Iwao Fujii, Miko Maekawa, Nozomi Shimizu, Naohisa Kanda, Nariaki Mikuni, Kazunobu Suzuki, Izumi Tsurita, Miriam C. Balgos, Marjo K. Vierros (2022) Implications of existing capacity building efforts for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction: A case study of Japan. Marine Policy, 138. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105004
2022 Junko Toyoshima, Iwao Fujii, Miko Maekawa, Tomohiko Tsunoda, Noriko Kamada, Hiroka Hidaka, Yasuhiro Tojo, Kazuko Ikeda (2022) Assessing effectiveness of satoumi activities in Japanese coastal areas from ecological and socioeconomic perspectives. Ocean & Coastal Management, 230, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106354 
2021 M. Maekawa and I. Fujii (2021) Toward Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Analysis and Prospects for Negotiation Process at the United Nations with a Focus on Capacity Building and the Transfer of Marine Technology. J. of Japan Society of Ocean Policy, No. 11, pp. 55-69 (in Japanese with English abstract).
2021 Jack Stuart, Sally Yozell, Miko Maekawa & Nagisa Yoshioka ”The Climate and Ocean Risk Vulnerability Index: Measuring Coastal City Resilience to Inform Action”, New Security Beat (January 26, 2021).
2020 Fujii,I. and Maekawa, M. "Towards strengthening management of hegh seas biological diversity" In A Better World Volume 6, pp10-13 (Digital Book).
2019 Maekawa, M., Singh, P., Charan, D., Yoshioka, N., & Uakeia, T., Livelihood Re-Establishment of Emigrants from Kiribati in Fiji. Journal of Disaster Research, 14(9), 2019, pp.1277-1286.
2019 O’Connor, S., Bruch, C., & Maekawa, M, Legal and Practical Measures for Environmental Migrants. Journal of Disaster Research, 14(9), 2019, pp.1254-1261.
2018 Mai Fujii, Miko Maekawa, Eka Higuchi, Comparative Analysis on International Trends and Implementations of Three Major Countries towards the Sustainable Development Goal 14: Japan, France and U.S.A., Journal of Japan Society of Ocean Policy, No.8, Special Issue for the 10th Anniversary of the Japan Society of Ocean Policy, November 2018, pp.49-70.
2018 Miko Maekawa, Hiroshi Terashima, Eka Higuchi, Chapter 9: Sustainable ocean management and the role of the Japan Coast Guard, Miko Maekawa, Hiroshi Terashima, Eka Higuchi, Routledge Handbook of Japanese Foreign Policy, Edited by Mary M. McCarthy, (2018) New York, Routledge
2015 Miko Maekawa, Chapter: Resettlement Policy in Lao PDR, Resettlement Policy in Large Development Projects, Edited by Ryo Fujikura and Mikiyasu Nakayama, 2015, New York, Routledge
2014 Miko Maekawa and Atsuko Kamioka, Can Timor-Leste Escape the Resource Curse? Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 5, No. 4, January 2014, pp.387-396.
2013 Miko Maekawa, Annette Lanjouw, Eugène Rutagarama and Douglas Sharp, Mountain gorilla tourism generating wealth and peace in post-conflict Rwanda, Natural Resources Forum, United Nations Sustainable Development Journal, 37, 2013, pp.127–137.
2013 Bounsouk Souksavath and Miko Maekawa, The Livelihood Reconstruction of Re-settlers from the Nam Ngum 1 Hydropower Project in Laos, International Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 29, No.1, March 2013, pp.59-70.
2012 Mikiyasu Nakayama and Miko Maekawa, Economic Benefits and Security Implications of Trading Hydropower through Transboundary Power Grids in Asia International Journal of Water Resources Development, iFirst article, 2012, pp.1-13.
2020 Deepening the Ocean - in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework(2.2MB)Miko MAEKAWA, Tomohiko TSUNODA, Junko TOYOSHIMA, and Iwao FUJII


  • 海洋生物多様性の保全と利用に関する研究(国連での国家管轄権外区域の海洋生物多様性<BBNJ> の議論を分析)
  • 生物多様性保全における日本の里海型統合的沿岸管理の効果に関する事例分析
  • 気候起因の移住に対する政策的措置に関する研究
笹川平和財団海洋政策研究所 主任研究員
国連開発計画 ルワンダ事務所 常駐代表補佐
2011 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 博士号(国際協力学)取得
2000 イースト・アングリア大学大学院 「環境と開発」博士号を取得
1996 上智大学文学部卒業


