About OPRI



ボッツアート, ファブリツィオ

ボッツアート, ファブリツィオ
Fabrizio Bozzato is specialized in international relations and keenly interested in Indo-Pacific thalassopolitics. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science (Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University, Taiwan), an M.A. in International Relations (University of Tasmania, Australia) and a Master in Political Science (University of Milan, Italy). His areas of research include the blue economy, science diplomacy and Holy See-China relations. Dr. Bozzato is frequently asked to comment for international media on issues of geopolitics and diplomacy. Signally, he has the honor of serving as Ambassador (non-resident) of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Republic of Nauru.


  • Indo-Pacific
  • Thalassopolitics
  • Blue Economy
  • Climate Security
  • Science Diplomacy
  • Holy See-China Relations
2020 “L’isola di fronte alla Cina: la sfida di sicurezza di Taiwan” [The Island in front of China: Taiwan’s security challenge], OrizzonteCina, Vol. 11:1, 20-29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13135/2280-8035/5407
2020 “Holy See-China-Taiwan: A Cross-Strait Triangle”, Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations, Vol. 55:2, 7-23. https://doi.org/10.7366/020909612201901
2019 “La Guerra come Metafora della Vita” [War as a Metaphor of Life], Limes - Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, No. 8, 54-61.
2019 “China’s Science Diplomacy in the South China Sea: Exploring, calming and owning the waters”, Taiwanese Journal of WTO Studies, XXXI, 1-63.
2017 Las Relaciones de La Santa Sede con la Republica de China (Taiwan) y el Dilema de las Relaciones con la Republica Popular de China ” [Holy See's Relations with the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Dilemma of Relations with the People's Republic of China], Perspectiva Integral, Vol. 1:9, 24-49.
2017 “Taiwan and the Pacific Islands:  Exploring the Green/blue Possibilities”, Green Humanities, No. 2, 127-155.
2017 “Gifts that Bind: China’s Aid Provision to the Pacific Island Nations”, Asia Japan Journal, Vol. 1:12, 17-36.
2014 “The Conflict of Authority between China’s Party-State and the Catholic Church: Confucian Obedience vs Libertas Ecclesiae”, Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 18:2, 93-134.
2013 “Dryland: Artificial Islands as New Oceanscapes”, Journal of Future Studies 17:4, 1-16
2021 “‘Repair and Build’: Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq”, The Interpreter – Lowy Institute for International Policy, March 3
2020 “In parte Sinis: La dialettica diplomatica tra Santa Sede e Cina”, Tota Pulchra News, September 20
Please, see below.
2019 “Religious freedom in China: better than before?”, The Interpreter – Lowy Institute for International Policy, January 11 
2017 co-authored with Stephen R Nagy, “Giappone: Abe il prammatico vince ed è ‘leader necessario’” [Japan: Pragmatic Abe wins and becomes ‘necessary leader’], Affari Internazionali, October 26 
2017 “Giappone: Abe e Ldp verso la vittoria, avversari in disarmo” [Japan: Abe’s isleading the LDP toward victory while the opponents are in disarray], Affari Internazionali, October 19
2017 “Who will abandon Taiwan next?”, The Interpreter – Lowy Institute for International Policy, June 22
2016 “Italian-made Trains Roll into Taipei MRT System”, The China Post, December 18
2016 “Partnership for Excellence: Italian Trains for Taipei Metro Circular Line”, Eurasia Review, December 11
2016 “Why the Blue Economy is the New Green in Taiwan”, Globalo, March 6
2016 co-authored with Guy Plopsky “Fighting ISIS from the Air: The Light Attack Alternative”, World Security Network/Eurasia Review, November 24
2014 co-authored with Guy Plopsky, “The F-35 vs. The VHF Threat”, The Diplomat, August 21
(*this article featured on the front page of the official website of the Lockheed Martin F-35)
2014 “Moon Power: China’s Pursuit of Lunar Helium-3”, The Diplomat, June 16
(this article has been reposted and widely cited by the media globally, including The Times of London)
2014 co-authored with Tatiana Komarova, “Taiwan-Ukraine: A Cautious Relationship”, The Diplomat, June 11 (article written in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China)
2014 “Moon Power: China’s Lunar Helium 3 Vision”, Eurasia Review, June 2
2014 “Crimea - The Prize and the Price”, World Security Network; China Post; eRenlai, March
2015 “The Red Side of the Moon: China’s pursuit of Lunar Helium-3” in Ming-hsien Wong (ed.), On Chinas Military Strategy, Tamkang University Press, Taipei, 1-36.5
2014 “China in the Pacific Islands: Beyond the 'Bad Dragon' Narrative” in Martin Riegl, Jakub Landovsky and Irina Valko (eds.), Strategic Regions in 21st Century Power Politics: Zones of Consensus and Zones of Conflict, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK), 125-159.
2013 “Swimming with Dragons: Cross-Strait Waves in the South Pacific.” in Ming-hsien Wong (ed.), Managing the Regional Security Agenda, Tamkang University Press, Taipei, 319-367.
2022 Climate Security: Global Warming and a Free and Open Indo-Pacific
Climate Security (PDF Book)(2.2MB)
2016 “Junks in the Archipelago:  China and Taiwan’s Pacific Island Dynamics”, Geopolitical Studies Research Centre Report, Prague, Charles University, March 17.


2013 Dr Hubertus Hoffmann, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Edward L. Rowny, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Dr. Klaus Olshausen […]  & Fabrizio Bozzato, “NATO 3.0 -- Fresh Proposals by the World   Security Network,” New York, London and Berlin, World Security Network.
2021 "I rapporti tra Cina e Australia. Intervista a Fabrizio Bozzato, analista alla Sasakawa Peace Foundation di Tokyo", Radio Radicale (in Italian), May 10.
2021 "Experts: China Christens 3 Warships to Tighten Control in Disputed Sea, Warn US", Voice of America, April 28.
2021 "Year of Unusually High US Activity Noted in South China Sea", Voice of America, April 3.
2021 “Wary of Beijing, Taiwan Doubles Down on South China Sea Island”, Voice of America, March 29.
2021 “Taiwan and Palau set to open quarantine-free 'travel bubble'”, Nikkei Asia, March 27.
2021 “The Order of Malta: From the Caliphs to modern Israel”, The Jerusalem Post, February 24.
2021 “Biden needs a coherent strategy on Asia”, Asian Affairs, February 20.
2020 “Go East - You (and you) better watch out, Mike Pompeo arriva in Italia”, China Files, September 22.
2020 “Czech Taiwan delegation another Beijing setback”, Asia Times, August 31.
2020 “Czech Senate Speaker arrives in Taiwan, to address Parliament”, The Peninsula Qatar, August 31, p. 10.
2020 “Taiwan builds on recognition with Czech delegation”, France 24, August 30.
2020 “L'Australia e il contenimento cinese nell'area indo-pacifica”, Asiatica - Radio Radicale, August 12.
2020 “Taiwan-EU Disagreement Reflects 'Mess' in Reopening Borders after COVID-19”, Voice of America, July 15.
2020 “China Targets Taiwan”, Asian Lite International, July 6.
2020 "人道外交》低調合作 馬爾他騎士團:台灣是國際良善力量" (2020), The Liberty Times, June28.
2020 "Chiến lược của Đài Loan trước Bắc Kinh", Thanh Nien, May 24.
2020 “Kiribati, Maamau senza maggioranza assoluta. Al centro la sfida Cina-Taiwan” , Affari Italiani, April 24.
2020 “Corea del Nord, la voce: "Kim è morto". Aumentano i dubbi. Successione: i nomi”, Affari Italiani, April 24.


  • Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary (non-resident) of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to the Republic of Nauru, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA, since 2019.
  • Research Fellow, Centro di Ricerca Cooperazione con l’Eurasia, il Mediterraneo e l’Africa Subsahariana (CEMAS), University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, ITALY, since 2019.
  • Contributor, representing the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, to the “Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Indo-Pacific Studies in Europe” project, Erasmus Mundus project coordinated by the University of Warsaw, POLAND, since 2019.
  • Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, POLAND, since 2019.
  • Research Fellow, EU Research Center, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, TAIWAN (ROC), since 2018.
  • Research Fellow, Asia-Japan Research Center, Kokushikan University, Tokyo, JAPAN, since 2017.
  • Research Fellow, Taiwan Strategy Research Association, Taipei, TAIWAN (ROC), since 2016.
  • Fellow External Collaborator, Geopolitical Studies Research Centre, Charles University, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, since 2015.
  • Lecturer (as invited lecturer or lecturing research fellow) at: Australian National University (Australia), International Christian University (Japan), Kokushikan University (Japan), National Defense University (Taiwan), National Taiwan University (Taiwan), University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy), University of the South Pacific (Fiji and Nauru campuses) and University of Warsaw (Poland), from 2015 to 2019 (November).
  • Lecturer, Centre for International and Regional Affairs, University of Fiji, FIJI, from 2013 to 2017.
  • Operative Manager, Gianni Bozzato Laboratories, Caorle (Venice), ITALY, from June 1994 to September 2001.
  • PhD (Political Science), Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University, Taipei, TAIWAN, 2017 (Dissertation: “Ocean Dragon: China in the Pacific Islands Region Implications, New Equilibria and Synergies”).
  • MA (International Relations), University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA, 2009 (Thesis: “Heavenly Powers: Holy See Diplomacy toward China”).
  • Graduate Diploma (International Politics), University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA, 2007
  • BA+MA (Political Science), University of Milan, Milan, ITALY, 2005 (Thesis: “L’Emigrazione Italiana in Australia: Il Caso Trentino” [Italian Migration to Australia: The Trentino Case]
2021 Knighthood of the Order of the Star of Italy [Cavalierato all'Ordine della Stella d'Italia] (OSI), conferred by the President of the Republic of Italy.
2017-2018 Taiwan Fellowship, ROC Government, Awardee (only 2 scholars from Italy are awarded the fellowship per year).
2014 Outstanding Student, ROC Ministry of Education (Taiwan). Awardee
2013 Postgraduate Visitor, Australian National University, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific. New Seminar Series - Department of Pacific and Asian History, Canberra (Australia).
2011-2013 Outstanding International Student Scholarship, ROC Ministry of Education (Taiwan). Awardee.
2006 “Premio per la miglior tesi di laurea sulle migrazioni italiane nel mondo” (Prize for the best thesis on Italian migration(s) in the world), Giovanni Agnelli Foundation, Turin (Italy). Awardee.
2006 “Premio per la miglior tesi di laurea sull’emigrazione trentina” (Prize for the best thesis on Trentino migration) Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento (Italy).

