

Project contents
The Central Eurasian region (Central Asia, the Caucasus, and surrounding areas) has been beset by a number of problems, including those relating to national security, international crime, terrorism, and the environment. This project aims to contribute to the cultivation of future leaders capable of addressing these issues.
In fiscal 2007 a Central Eurasia Leaders Academy (CELA) workshop was held at Koç University in Istanbul from July 15 to 24. It was attended by 23 men and 22 women representing governments, businesses, and nongovernmental organizations of the Central Eurasian region. During their training the participants held lively discussions pertaining to what is required of leaders.
In October a seminar (attended by about 30 people) was held in the Kyrgyz Republic to improve the CELA network, and in November a conference (attended by about 35 people) was held in Uzbekistan for regional development and tourism promotion.
In March 2008 a reunion of former CELA participants was held in Kazakhstan. Also, under the self-operated component of the project, instructors were sent to training from East Asia utilizing the valuable East Asian human network built by the Fund.

Implementing Agency Year Implementation year(2/3)
Project Type Self OperatedGrantCommissionedOther Year project budget implementation 21,788,975yen