Ocean Policy Research Institute
(Division of Ocean Policy Research)
Senior Research Fellow Nobuyuki Yoshitake
Nobuyuki Yoshitake is now Research Fellow at the Ocean Policy Research Institute of The Sasakawa Peace Foundation. He served in the Naval Systems Research Center, Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency, Ministry of Defense for 37 years of research and development of Maritime Self-Defense Force equipment. He mainly engaged in SONAR (SOund NAvigation and Ranging) research and development. He is now interested in the technology of unmanned vehicle and visualization method of ocean.
Underwater acoustics
Underwater sensing and Unmanned vehicle
Academic/Professional Background
Professional Background
2019- Retired NSRC, ATLA
2017-2019 Director, Naval Systems Research Center (NSRC), ATLA
1982- Joined in Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA), Ministry of Defense
Academic Background
Graduate School of Marine Engineering, Tokai University (1989)