
(April2022 ~ March2024)

Yasuhiro MATSUDA, Ph.D.

The chairperson

Yasuhiro MATSUDA, Ph.D.

Professor, International politics at Institute for
Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo
Please find here for further details.

1965 Being Born in Hokkaido. In 2003, he received his Ph.D. in law from Graduate School of Law at Keio University in Tokyo. During1992-2008, he worked as an assistant and a senior research fellow in the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Japan Defense Agency (later, Ministry of Defense). He moved to the Institute of Oriental Culture (later, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) of the University of Tokyo in 2008. He is specializing in political and diplomatic history of Asia, politics and foreign relations in the PRC and Taiwan, the Cross-Strait Relations, and Japan’s foreign and security policies. His most recent publication in English is “Changes in the Dynamics of the Taiwan Strait due to Taiwan’s Success in Controlling the Novel Coronavirus,” Asia-Pacific Review, Volume 27, 2020, December 11, 2020, pp. 57-79.
