(April2022 ~ March2024)
Professor of International Law and Director of the Study
of Law, Security and Military Operations at the National Defense Academy of Japan
Please find here for further details.
He is also the Chair of the Study Group on International Law organized by the Operational Policy Division, Bureau of Defense Policy of the Ministry of Defense of Japan, and sometimes represents the Japanese government in diplomatic negotiations on international human rights and humanitarian law as a legal adviser. He has held visiting fellowships at Leiden Law School’s Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies and the United States Naval War College’s Stockton Center for International Law.
He has published a range of articles and book chapters on the law of international security, the law of armed conflict, international criminal law, and Japanese security laws, which include: "The Projection of Cyber Power by Australia and Japan: Contrasting Their Doctrines and Capabilities for the Rule-Based International Order," The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Affairs (UNIDIR) (ed.), International Cyber Operations: National Doctrines and Capabilities (UNIDIR, 2021);“Towards the Special Computer Law of Targeting: ‘Fully Autonomous’ Weapons Systems and the Proportionality Test,” in Claus Kreß and Robert Lawless (eds.), Necessity and Proportionality in International Peace and Security Law (Oxford University Press, 2021).